What members are saying about Twin Health

Twin Health’s successful outcomes have an undeniable source of truth: our members! We’re excited and humbled to share how the Whole Body Digital Twin is improving the lives of our members, one story at a time. Get inspired by the life-changing journeys of our members.

From skeptic to believer

Eric learns his A1C has come down and is amazed at his success with the support of the Twin Health care team.

“Without Twin (Health), I would not be successful at this… Between nutrition, exercise and medications, all of that together has changed my whole life.”

– Eric W.

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Better health & no meds

Kelvin comes off his medications, after being told by his endocrinologist that it wasn’t possible for him.

“That has been a blessing for me – to come off the medications altogether.”

– Kelvin K.

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Reclaiming a healthier life

Lisa lost 32 lbs in 6 months and gushes about her newfound love for salsa dancing made possible because of Twin Health.

“To know that you can reverse it, the excitement to feel alive again, even if I had given up, and then I finally have reclaimed my life back.”

– Lisa C.

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Feeling better, inside and out

Michelle eliminated medications, lost weight and now enjoys a healthier diet and lifestyle.

“It’s given me confidence, made me feel better about myself, and have more energy…It’s the best decision that I’ve made.”

– Michelle T.

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Down 31 lbs & no meds within 90 days

Gus lost 31 lbs and eliminated 2 medications within 90 days, thanks to the daily lifestyle guidance through the sensors and the support of the care team. 

“Excellent results in 90 days! I’m very pleased. I’m looking forward to even better results.”

– Gus H.

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Renewed energy at last

Coco has been diabetic for 23 years and has eliminated all but 1 medication. She has more energy and sleeps better, with the daily guidance from her Digital Twin. 

“This is the best program I’ve ever been on. You can’t go wrong with it.”

– Coco

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